Charlie's Boat Race

This is my Boat Race and I made it at Code Club. I really enjoyed making it and learnt a lot. I learnt to sometimes add different bits to what I was originally instructed. I also learnt to trial and test whenever I should. To play you click the green flag and you control it with the mouse, try not to hit the brown logs as it will start again. The object of the game is to direct the ship to the sand where it is safe. To boost, hold down the b button. I would like to give a shoutout to my great friend Sam(web name: samscratch456) for playing it a lot. I would also like to thank Thomas H. for playing it LOADS! (web name: deanerytom. In addition, Russell for helping me realise my potential. Lastly, Mrs Scott for letting me into Code Club and for being very kind. I pulled the best trick ever on her though! I pretended that my earphones weren't working, but before I did I put it up to 100 and when she put the headphones on, it was very loud.