The authers name is J.r.r Tolkien .

He has written many books but the most

famous one is the Hobbit . Sadly he died in 1973 .

Introduction :

The hobbit is about a magical land of good and evil creatures in middle earth ( New Zealand ) . It is also about a Small Hobbit called Bilbo Baggins who sets on an adventure with a company of 12 dwarves to slay a dragon to reclaim their homeland .

This book is usualy meant for ages from 10 to 100 . I personally have enjoyed the books and their characters for a long time and I still do ; I would recomend this book to alll my freinds and family .

characters :

In the Hobbit there are many fearsome and kind characters

such as : Thorin Oakenshield , king under the mountin ,

Bilbo Baggins , the main character who is a hobbit ,

Sauron : The most evil villian in Middle Earth ,

Azog : The crulest orc ever known .

and 13 dwarves .

Gandalf : A great istari wizard .

legolas , a famous elf prince .

Smaug , the firedrake dragon

There are also three different sequels to the Hobbit movie . However I would personally read the book before watching these .

I would give this book 5/5 stars because of the powerful description and how well thought out it was . J.R.R Tolkein has written and explanied all the character and settings beautifully and makes you want to read on with his hooks .