Firstly, we talked about what Scarcity is. We all had many different ideas, but after we really started to know and imagine what and how Scarcity works.we found out that there could be many ways that Scarcity might work. For example: not enough food, fighting over something that everyone wants. After we read a passage called Justenuf, it was where a small planet was out of resources and even food! All because of a computer not looked after. The computer was the core of this planet so that every single alien can be happy and get whatever things they needed and wanted. But one day the computer called Agustus sadly stopped working. So everybody

My Scarcity blog

was arguing about what food they all wanted

for example the strawberry trifle.We all discussed how the Captain of the planet is going to solve this massive problem, my idea was to half the strawberry trifle and the other food, so they could sare all they have left. But also to try and find new things to eat for example rice, curry , some healthy food such as apple, bananas and grapes.After listening about all our class ideas, we headed on to making our Sharganda flags to represent our class and to show other people what we are called. We had many other brilliant ideas but this name was the most voted for.That is where we ended our micro-society till next week we'll be doing something else new.

My Microsociety Journal

This we discussed about the currency around the world. For example: the amount of water there is in hot places, how they have to farm to live. We also discussed about hoe we can buy things with expensive or natural things such as gold for a very expensive thing an animal for food or things you want.We then voted on what our currency name will be most people voted for Sharbux because our class name is Sharman and I thoyght it was a great idea. We also had to decide want value of Sharbux we needed.