The Adventure of a lifetime


They had a playbeat in the garden. Milania and Emma they were sisters.

Once upon a time there were six children named Milania, Emma

Nico, Seth, Ezra and Julianne.

They were all so excited to visit the Garden at 6:30.

Finally when it was time


go to the garden they started to play hide and seek. Emma found a key glowing so she picked it up and it sucked them all up.

It took them to another lovely garden. They were so impressed that they were speechless. The garden was found in a home.

After about 30 minutes Emma, Milania, Nico and Ezra got lost. They were so worried that if the magic key glowed it would only take Ezra as he was the one holding the key.

And They Would Be Stuck in THERE for EVER !!!

Emma started to shout at the top of her lungs and everybody heard her. They all started to scream as loud as they could!!!

After an hour Emma and Seth found each other.

The magic key started to glow and it took them home one by one. The children were all relieved

and they lived happily ever after. THE END.

It was huge, there was a maze with flowers and leaves. It was so beautiful,

They all went their separate ways.

Chapter 2

They were all very beautiful children and they were all 8 eight years old.