Pigs found guilty!

On Friday 13th of April 2020 the three little pigs were found guilty of murder and insurance fraud.The news has spread worldwide

At court the pigs said 'We acted in self defence-he tried to attack us'.Also the pigs had a lawyer defending them and he said'these pigs would never do somthing like this'.Many people are siding with the pigs on social media and many other places.There were also questions for the public.

At court some of the wolf's friends spoke some courageas speeches.Harvey Nuttal said 'The wolf helped me cook dinner and he helped me find my golden pocketwatch'.Later some detectives came in and revealed the wolf had asthma.CCTV found evidence of him puffing on his inhalor.

During the day the pigs confessed of insurance fraud because they couldn't keep up with there mortage payments.The eldest pig also whimpered 'Were so sorry we never ment to do such a thing'.So it's clear that they framed the wolf to try and pay back their mortage payments.Papers were found during the house raid to prove that.

At the end of the session the jury voted guilty and they have been sentenced for 10 years in jail.Riots have started worldwide in support of the pigs .There are signs saying 'save the people not the banks'.Then a big fight broke out and the protest continues.

From media correspondant,Ross little

pigs in court

a riot