She contributed to the battle of cancer.Her full name is Marie Sklodoska Curie. She is french and Polish. she was born 7 November 1867 and died on the 4 July 1934 in Sancellemoz.

She was the first person and woman to win twice in the Nobel Prize, which for me is absolutely

amazing. Her education was in the university of Paris in 1907. one of her child is Eve Marie and another is Irene-joliot curie which is pretty long name and maybe have a shorter name which she is called by family and friends at the time.

She is discovered Radium and Polonium which i'v never heard of. Did you know that her parents were teachers? And her books are still radio active. She did most of her important work in her old and rusty shed. She also added two elements on the periodic table!! She had to seek out alternative education for the rights of women. She has been learning all about radioactivity for her past researches.