Healthy food

proteins help the body to grow and they help to grow mucles.

Proteins are found in animal products like meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs. Vegetable sources include bean, pulses and also nuts with it.

Minerals are needed in small amounts to help the body function and stay strong.Calcium and also iron are very important minerals to people that are alive.minerals are small things that keep us healthy and strong.

Carbohydrates are needed to give the body energy so that you can stay fit and you can do your sports.There are two types of carbohydrate there are starch also sugar.

here is a list that you can find stach in

1.flour .2.cornflour .3.cereals .4. pasta .5.potatoes .

Starch is found in cereals, cornflour, potatoes, pasta and flour.

Sugar is found in fruit, vegetables, honey and milk products.

Calcium is needed for the growth of healthy teeth and bones. sources of calcium include these foods and drinks.






6.cereals vegtables


Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Sources of iron include red meat, green vegetables, eggs, lentils and also bread with it.

Other minererals

Other minerals that the body needs include these potassium, sodium, magnesium and zinic witch are good for your body to grow and also stay very healthy.

vitamins are needed in tiny amounts for growth ,health and also strength.The main vitamins are the vitamins A and also complex from the other vitamins C and D.