
Week 1


On the Thursday after the holidays,we started doing Microsociety activities.The first one we did was about 1st , 2nd and 3rd world countries.We played the shape game , which is when there are 6 teams and they each have a name and different resources eg: my team had a ruler,a pencil and quite a lot of paper,however other teams had a few more supplies than us like compasses.

All of the teams were allowed to trade with each-other for needed resources.The aim of the game was to make as many squares ,10cm long[worth 5 points],as many circles with a diameter of 10cm[worth 10 points],and as many counters as you had[again,worth 5 points].My team got 25 points as we just did 4 squares and 1 counter.


On Friday,we had to design our own name and flag for the class and vote for the best one ,the final decision was to call our society ... Brightland.My table came up with it.


1st world countries are countries that have enough technology.

2nd worlds are like economy class in an airplane.

3rd worlds are countries that have to trade for things.