This week in micro society,me and Haeun discussed about fines.As the police, if someone has

broken a rule they get a fine or a timeout. We said, if you steal something you get fined ten alpha cents and a 5 minute time out. If you don't pay your tax then you have to pay it all on that day if you can't or won't then we will take away posesions. If you don't pay the money you bored from the bank then you have to pay it all that day. And the last rule is someone has set up a gamberling bussiness if you gamble irsponsably then you get a fine of 7 alpha cents

On Friday, we went on a trip to Lavendrates court. We got to see the cells where the women, children and men were kept. Of course, there wasn't anyone in the cells because if there was then we wouldn't be able to go in and of course the men and women weren't allowed in the same cell because they didn't wan't any trouble. Arfter, we did this play in the court I was the clark, Lili was prosercuter two, Emmy was prosercuter two and Ethan wasthe acused. In the end ,I thought Dennis/Ethan was guilty. Dennis was acused of stealing a satnav and smashing a car window. Arfter, we went back to New Malden and had a picnic in Blagdon park.It was a really fun day

Also, Gweneth our banker is designing reciets. In micro society,if you bring in a thing from home you have to pay for them to come into our society if you haven't payed then you get in trouble with the police /me and Haune .I can't wait to see the finished desighn .

While me and Haune and the other civil servants discussed rules,fines and taxes , the people ,who were setting up their own bussness were deciding who was going to do what in their bussness and what were going to sell . Some had very good ideas . Kagiva and Evie did a business called kajeeve. Lili's business plan was to sell art that she made.

At the end, Jake's mum and lily's [from Mensa] mum came in our class and talked about what they do for a living .Jake's mum workes for the BBC and lily's mum workes for a company that she dicides if someone woud be qulified to do a certan job it was a very intresting and factual talk . Did you know, it takes a bout 100 ,000 pounds to set up a TV chanle and you have to be in universaty for 7 years to become a docter!

I think I would be a good cival servant because I love to help the society and I am a very social person so I think I have some good qualties. I enjoy being being a police women because it is fun and exitng