Bollywood Dancing

On Tuesday, the lunchtime Bollywood dance club performed in front of the school and our parents. Niljo, the teacher, had taught us two dances: one of them was to traditional Bollywood music and the other was to a pop song. After we had performed, Niljo got Mr Fotheringham, Mrs Haka and one of the mums up and taught them some moves - they were brilliant, especially Mr Fotheringham! You can see his dance on the school twitter feed.

Mary Poppins Dance

On Wednesday morning, year 3 performed a dance we'd been practising to KS1, KS2 and our parents. I was quite nervous but my class, Foxglove, did really well and we received big cheers from the audience once we'd finished. Our dance teacher, Miss Stephanie, has been teaching us the routine for the past 10 weeks and we were really sad when it was finished BUT apparently she's coming back next term to teach another routine.....I just hope it's with our class again.You should be able to view the video in video resource centre on the school website.