Irukandji jellyfish are the smallest and most venomous box jellyfish in the world. They inhabit the marine waters of Australia and are able to fire their stingers into their victim, causing symptoms collectively known as Irukandji syndrome. Their size is roughly a centimetre (1 cm3). There are five known species of Irukandji: Carukia barnesi, Malo kingi and discovered in the 2000s and 2010s, Malo maximus, Malo filipina and Malo bella.


The Olive Sea Snake is a highly venomous snake that actively hunts small to medium sized fishes and benthic invertebrates, including prawns and crabs. It prefers to hunt only at night and only comes out of its daytime hiding places to take occasional breaths. Olive Sea Snakes are naturally curious and are known to approach SCUBA divers, not aggressively but inquisitively, especially at night. Though they only rarely bite people, their bites have been known to be fatal. Olive Sea Snakes do not leave the water to nest or for any reason at all.