
Hi everyone.This week's blog is about the NSPCC.So what is the NSPCC?

It's an organisation that stands for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.It makes sure your safe and that you can talk with any trusted adult.

The reason why we are writing this blog is because the NSPCC visited our school.We met some of the staff that helped schools all over the Uk to spread the message of how children can be protected from abuse.Let's talk more in detail about abuse.

What is abuse?

Abuse is anything that can violate a person's rights.There can be lots of abuse such as domesti


Hi everyone! Today,we're going to talk about the NSPCC.

So,what is the NSPCC and what does it stand for?

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. It means that each of us has a responsibility to keep childhood free from abuse, and we must do everything possible to protect children and prevent it from happening.

At Deansbrook,we make sure every child is happy and energetic as possible.Unfortunately,research says that out of every primary school there is at least 2 or more children affected by abuse.

There can be lots of types of abuse such as neglect,emotional abuse,sexual abuse,physical abuse,domestic abuse and online abuse.If you are an adult reading this and you know a child suffering please contact NSPCC. They will give you the advice you might need to protect that child.

If you are a child suffering from abuse,childline's always there to help.It is a free line where only children can speak to it and will listen to you if you need help.They also have a special phone number:0800 1111.

You can even send a call about how well you did in your latest spelling test or even tell about how your netball practice went.It's only for kids and it's safe to talk to them.Watch this video by copying or pasting it into the search bar.It will help you understand what happens when you contact the NSPCC.

I hope this blog realises how important it is to stop abuse from anywhere. Remember,you can always find some way to help children by going to the NSPCC website.Your donation could make a child happy again and support NSPCC and Childline.
