When I climbed a mountain

I was staring at this huge mountain in front of me not knowing what to do!

I was scared but it was a challenge that I couldn't resist and wanted to be the best climber ever. All it was going into my head was that I was going to climb the highest mountain in the world.

I set off with my mountain equipment and two fellow climbers. The mountain was steep sided with huge patches of slippery ice. An exact description of an icy pyramid. Everyone called it the unconquered mountain. I was having a hard time climbing because it was so slippery.

As we were halfway there the wind blew us back, but we carried on. The higher we climbed the colder it grew, and the snow was so thick that we could hardly see.

While we were climbing, we have noticed strange type of plants with wide leaves.

The time was passing by so quickly and we had to hurry since it was going to get darker.

One of the climbers was about to fall but I rescued him! Few minutes and we had finally made it to the very top! I couldn't believe that we had finally made it. Felt like I'm on top of the world!

It was a hard climb but I am sure that I will climb another and another mountain for sure!