On Friday 23rd of October Oak class visited the Richmond Synagogue for a preview of the Jewish faith/religion for our Religious Education (R.E.).

when we arrived at Richmond Synagogue we were directed into the hall and waited for Maple class and another school to come.Finally everyone was here,we were then put into the Synagogue and took our seats.Then we had a talk about things we need in a Synagouge to make it a Synagogue and they were:

-A Bima

-An Eternal Light

- A Torah

We were then split into the classes and did three different activities which were see what you do on a Jewish celebration called Shabbatt were we ate and drank some traditional bread and grape juice,see what Jewish clothes look like and how/where to wear them and the last of the activities was learn about a Jewish service and he showed us a Torah/holy scroll and told us a little prayer in Hebrew and we thought it was very interesting to listen to.

Soon later all activities came to an end and everyone was back in the Synagogue and we talked about what we learned during the activities and asked us again about what we need in a synagogue and other different questions.Finally we all said our goodbyes and we got our coats and they gave us orage juice and a buiscuit.Then we went back to school,had lunch and we went back to our normal Friday.

Altogether we enjoyed the trip it was a really great trip and an interesting start to our religious focus week.Hope to visit again the staff were very nice,enthusiastic and fun to listen to.