
Cats are very cute. They have very fluffy fur and very cute breeds. Did you know that cats have a pouch near their stomach that protects all of their organs?

Why it's important to keep animals alive.

Animals are having their fur/skin tested on because companies use them to test their products so it doesn't affect a human's skin. These animals shouldn't be tested on because they are innocent little creatures.

Tigers going extinct.

Tigers are going extinct because people are killing them for their fur and then sell it. A tigers fur is worth thousands of pounds. People even kill them for their bones as some sort of medicine.

These majestic creatures are being killed for no exact reason. So to prevent this from happening, use a type of fur that looks the same but is fake. Use medicine that doesn't harm any animals in the making of it. You may think that we shouldn't keep them alive because they're beasts but, here are some reasons why we should keep tigers alive. THEY ARE APART OF THE FOOD CHAIN!!!!! If we don't keep tigers alive we are most likely to die.


why did the computer sneeze?

it had a virus!
