
wales poem

Daffodils- dance, sing, sway

Delicate, Bright, Soft

Sway swiftly

Like the wind

To entertain you.

Hill- sit, see, grow

Big, Tall, Wide

Grow rapidly

Like a beautiful flower

To give the wild life a home.

Castle- whisper, stand, shout

Old, prehistoric, stable

Stand proudly

Like a proud statue

To let you in.

Beach- lie, think, give

Gorgeous, beautiful, golden

Think furiously

Like professor Einstein

To give you joy.

Love-spoon- talk, hide, feel

Small, intricate, delicate

Feel softly

Like a pillow

To encourage you to care

Cawl- lead, hold, change

Creative, sensitive, yummy

Hold furiously

Like super glue

To make you have a good meal

Mountains- forgive, offer, remember

Gradual, hilly, highland

Offer generously

Like the Queen

To let the birds have a home.

Welsh cakes- say, follow, throw

Nice, tasty, brownish

Follow weirdly

Like a stalker

For a nice tasty treat

Rugby- Kill, believe, hurt

Vicious, cruel, violent

Hurt dreadfully

Like boxing

To make you strong