Week four-some more enterprise!

So first off Im not sure if we had the story of planet notenuf (long story short, i wasnt here) But we have been deciding our carreers for microsociety (jobs that include food are strictly phrobited) Mine (im going to tell you!) is centauri new and a drawing company named graffiti. In order to do these jobs, we had to think about advertising.


would be a great way to attract custemers and get more money (KA CHING!) but also we had to think how to not waste all our money on advertising (no ka ching)

Also about our busnesses, we had to think what rescourses we need, and how much they would cost, for everything we bring into our busness, needs paying (the adult life is hard, my friend) and the banker and president went round asking all the businesses what they needed and around how much it would cost. And that was the end of our microsociety.