Lennox gingerly stepped off the aeroplane steps,

looking very weird not knowing what to do. Meanwhile Gregory was happily waving his arms around his eyes were wide open so excited that Lennox was coming. Nervously, Lennox was waiting for his suitcase, finally Lennox's tatty suitcase came slowly around the corner of the luggage carousel. The tatty old suitcase heading towards Lennox, Lennox heaved with all his might to pull his tatty suitcase off of the luggage carousel.

Lennox slowly walked out of the blue and silver building, trying to look as normal as possible. Gregory was waiting outside when suddenly, Lennox walked out, Gregory was running around with joy so happy to see Lennox right in front of him. "Hi Greg!" said Lennox with happiness, "Hi Lenny!" said Gregory overjoyed.

Later that day they arrived at Gregory's house. Lennox wouldn't go inside he was very scared he curled into a ball and covered his face, Lennox didn't know what a house was, Gregory took a while to convince Lennox to go inside his house. when they were inside Gregory's house, all Gregory was doing was playing on his Xbox.

Lennox wanted to go to the park. Lennox stomped off to the park all alone. He wanted to go home. At Gregory's house Gregory was thinking about apologising to Lennox.

Meanwhile Lennox had found a peaceful and graceful place to sit and calm down. Gregory went up to Lennox and apologised to him.

Gregory and Lennox made a deal and said they'll go to the shop. Lennox walked up to the bull ring and again curled up into a ball and closed his eyes Gregory had to convince him again to go in the bull ring. They went into a shop and Lennox picked up every thing he wanted, Gregory shouted "stop it Lennox you have to pay with money like you do in Tobago" so Gregory generously gave Lennox £5 to spend in the shop. Lennox bought two chocolate bars and a yoyo the chocolate bars cost was two pound each and the yoyo was one pound.

Then they went back home and Gregory taught Lennox how to play fifa and minecraft after two hours Lennox was nearly as good as Gregory on fifa he was doing loads of skills like the marodona and the rainbow flick, on minecraft he was killing zombies, creepers, skeletons and spiders he was a BOSS!

After they'd played on the Xbox Gregory said he'll go to the park and play with Lennox for a bit, so then they played football Lennox was all ready better than Gregory. Gregory got fed up of playing football he was losing 10-0 Gregory wanted to go back on the Xbox and they did they played fifa and Lennox drew 4-4 with Gregory.Gregory said "do you want to play me at BOSS BATTLES on minecraft so they did Lennox won he shouted "YEAH YEAH YEAH ".

The next day Lennox had to go home so Lennox had to pack his stuff and go home Gregory didn't want Lennox to go because they really liked each other Lennox shouted "BYE" so Gregory shouted "BYE" . Lennox really didn't want to go home. They waved good bye as Gregory's mum took Lennox to the airport. Lennox put his brand new fancy suitcase that Gregory's mom brought for him as a present for going to their house and playing with Gregory Lennox finally got on the aeroplane and sat down Gregory and his mum watched the plane that Lennox was on going back to Tobago to see his grand parents.