microsociety week 3

This week in microsociety we were lucky enough to go to Kidzainia in London. When we arrived we were given fifty kidzos (Kidzainia money. I didn't know what to do first - I just rushed around trying to find something to do with my friends. To be honest I didn't really have any idea what was going on until we rushed into the hospital and a man came out and asked us if we were here to look after the babies. I couldn't really say no! Even though plastic dolls scare me, I did it anyway. My baby was possessed and did a weird clicky thing with its head. After we were done with the babies we went upstairs and made nut bars. We weighed out the ingredients and then put them in a mould and squashed them down. We put them in the oven but it takes 50 minutes to cook so we had the nut bars that were made earlier. After that it was time for lunch. After lunch I went to the vets. We had to operate on a toy dog because he had eaten a foreign object which turned out to be three ping pong balls. When we finished the activity you get a cool pet lanyard thing. After that I carried out surgery on a plastic person called Lucy who was a thirteen year old girl who was having a transplant (I forgot for which organ). We are lucky it wasn't a real person because when I put the new organ in I may of accidentally moved her heart into the wrong place and picked it up with unclean hands!! But it was successful because we heard Lucy would be waking up in a few weeks and we hadn't killed her (hurray!). After we had finished the surgery it was time to go back to school. I really enjoyed Kidzainia and hope we have great trips to look forward to in the future.