

WELCOME to our trip of a life time !!!!! by Holly and Tallulah

Brazil is located in South america near the equator .

The climate is very humid , tropical which means its hot all year round .

We are going in September because i think its the best time of year to go .It is know for Sao paulo is the largest city in the sou-than hemisphere.Crist the reedeemer is know for one of the first famous thing.

We would love to visit the crist of the redeemer because apperantly the crist of the

redeemer is a symbolic protector of people and i would love to look down on the world

below . Did you know that , Pico da is one of the tallest mountain in Brazail .

We feel like Brazil is a peacful place to visit and a good county to relax and have a good lay down in lay down the sun .

Brazil has a very intresting launguge called portuguese .

This is how you would say hello : '' Hola ''

This is how you say bye: Tchau

This is how you say good morning : Bom dia