A Drops life

Calm water,drop,in the still sea,That's Me.Salt, flowing past me ,Pressing up to me.Wind Comes.Waves moving aroundme lke a Gentle breeze.Waves get Higher,and Rougher. Whiter.Bubbles fill My body, I rock up and Down. up down . Up down. Up Down.The hot Sun Beats down on me. Hot, like a cake in a oven. I break apart. My head Evaporating slowly. It Is Rising. My Body spreads apart. I leave the sea. I Am Now Steam . High in the sky. Spread out Into tiny water Droplets. The Wind Hits me here, with a Icy cold hand. Colder , Now I comw TogetherOther Drops Huddle up to Me ,again.Wind Blows Me. I see the Ocean below Me,And the Land, Like a Skydiver over a Landscape.More flouting Droplets Join us in Our Cloud.The land becomes Steeper. Cold Bear Rock. Very Chilling . us Drips huddle together.Closer To Close. Now we Fall.down, down, Down, Down. Splash. We Hit earth, we flow down steep ground. Some of us filter through the ground. NOT ME. I continue on a little stream. Joining up. Now a wide rushing river to the sea, in the distance. The beginning of my journey. Closer, nearer, brushing past shells, closer. Back in the sea. Calm water, drop, in the sea. That's Me. That's Me.