Saint Piran

Who was Saint Piran

Saint Piran was an Irish Bishop who was thought to have lived in the early 6th century. During his time in Ireland, he was said to have performed several miracles like bringing soldiers back from the dead. Unfortunately, he was exiled by the Irish kings who bound him a millstone around his neck and threw him into the sea. He somehow managed to float to Cornwall washed up on a shore of a small beach near Newquay - Perranporth. Legend has it he lived to be 206 years old

What is he known for

On Perran Beach, he built a small chapel whose remains are submerged in the sand and are still somewhat visible. Once the word had started to spread people would come from miles around to visit his oratory and listen to him preach. He is also known for liking a good drink, which is where the phrase 'as drunk as a Pirraner' is believed to have come from

About the flag

The flag of St Piran represents two things, white tin flowing from black rock or good overcoming evil. The reason for the tin and rock is because Saint Piran's day was originally observed as a 'tinner's holiday' by the numerous tin-miners of Cornwall.