Vikings were amazing warriors who where known for their brutataility with wielding powerful axes that could break through an opponents armour or shield which would leave the opponent defensless, then the axe could

one-shot their opponent. The Vikings came from Sweden,Norway and Denmark. Part of the reason they left their homes was to plant crops as their lands were not fertile and hard to grow anything to eat. They took longboats and an enormous amount of them went to England and captured places like Northumbria and York. The last standing that the Vikings had not brought destruction and death was Wessex which beated the Vikings and let them stay on a side of England. Some Vikings went and discovered Greenland,Iceland and finally America where they found a place to settle they named it New york as it was their New York from York in England. One of the Viking Kings surnames was bloodaxe due to the reason he was good at killing people with his axe. He was called this because He probably had someone with the same name so bloodaxe would have been a nickname but it became a surname. Some Vikings travelled East toward Asia through land and also found a place to settle. The Viking age started from 700AD to the 11th Century.