A Great Britian woman Kelly Holmes won two gold medals in the 800 m race and the 1500 m race.

Four Russian women placed in the games. Tatyana Tomaschova won silver medal in the 1500m race. Natalya Sadova won a gold medal in discus. Yelena Slesarenlo also won a gold medal in the high jump. In the 20 km walk Olimpiada Ivanova won a silver medal.

The Russian women won two gold medals in the high jump and the discus.

The Russian women also won two silver medals in the 20 km walk and in the 1500 m race.

Only two Greek women won medals. In the 20 km walk Athanasia Tsaimeleka won the gold medal while Anastasia Kelesidou won the silver medal in discus.

Olena Krosowka from Ukraine won a silver medal in 100m hurdles. Viktorya Styopina also from Ukraine won a bronze medal in the high jump.

For Australia only Jane Saville won a bronze medal in the 20 km walk.

There were no women from Malta, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy that placed in these competitions.

Interesting facts about Olympic Games 2004