The Year 5 area is by the toilets you will use at Break and Lunch. The four classes are named after astronauts like Tim Peake. Peake is one of the four classes and the other three are: Sharman, Jemison and Wakata. I am in Sharman class, with Miss Edwards. In Year 5 the work is much more difficult . You will have to concentrate really hard to do well! Every morning we have to put out our diaries to show we have been reading and if it is not signed or filled in, you have to go to Reading Club. In Year 5, mornings are a lot longer but in between Break and Lunch it is only a hour. We normally do Maths in this short space of time. A lot of hard work is put into these Maths Lessons!

I hope you have enjoyed my fact file of Year 5!

If you want me to do some on Year 4 and Year 3, tell me in the

comments. I do not know much about Year 5 because school has

only just started but I hope I know enough to teach you

something about Year 5!!