Microsociety Journal: Supply and Demand

This week in Microsociety we learnt about supply and demand in theory which was really interesting and we learnt more about the Zog Family in the story of Notenuf. On Friday we also did more simulation but two people in our group were not here so me and my colleague (Nishika) had to run the business together. At first no one came because a lot of businesses were also doing massages. Then, a girl came to our business and she said it was really relaxing so she became a regular customer. Then we started letting people play with things like: Dough, Play Dough, Glitter bottles and draw while getting a massage for The cost of 2 Mentropolees. Then we started making membership cards and 2 people got one and some more membership cards are reserved for more people next simulation. The membership card was for only 7 Mentropolees and was free for the rest of their membership which is 3 simulations and then they need to pay again. This week in Microsociety was really good and fun!

By Isla Tupper