This week in Year 6...

In Maths we have been learning how to 'translate' and 'reflect' shapes.

This shows the 'reflection' of a shape.

If the shape had been 'translated' it would not change at all. It would look exactly the same but would be in a different position.

We have also been revising coordinates and we have all worked really hard!

In English we have been learning about 'hyphens' and when to use them correctly.

e.g 'The old man was seventy-five years old.'

This is the hyphen.

In Science we have started our new Topic about 'Light' and have been learning about what a light source is.

In Reading we have been going through our mock SATS paper and looking at ways we could have improved some of our answers.

We all had a lovely Christmas and New Year! We hope you all did too!