
What is E-Saftey?

E-safety is when you are safe online. When your on Facebook and Instagram or online you dont add or follow anyone you dont know. When you are on

your email and you see a message of something you wasn't informed about you dont replay you delete it straight away.

How you can stay safe online.

To stay safe online follow these simple steps.

1: DONT speck to people you dont know.

2: DONT tell anyone you dont know your personal ditals , it is very dangerous for you to send your personal ditals out.

3: When you create usernames DONT give out your real name,and when you create a password dont tell anyone your password because you might get hacked.


How to keep a virus of your computer.

It IS very easy to get a virus on your laptop or computer and it is very easy to prevent one.Viruses can mess up your computer download stuff that you dont want to download and delete stuff that you dont want to delete. There are ways you can prevent a virus from messing up your computer.If there is a link that comes up saying you won £100,000 and a iPhone 7 dont click on it that is 100% a virus(and it is fake).Also websites and downloads can be a virus, you can spot out the virus by two ways.

1:were the link bare is you might see https which means it is safe.

2:if a download link or a website dose not look safe dont click on it.

can you get a virus on school computer

School computers are safe everything on a school computer is safe because they have downloaded everything you need to have on a school computer,they are 100% safe,you dont have to worry about anything.

thank you for reading my blog and remember stay safe online. bye