****************************** DRAGON LANDED ON AUSTRALIA***********************************

For our top news : dragon on AUSTRALIA

Yesterday the news found a dragon on Australia . Do not be alarmed because only few people have been injured . All people are trying to help each other and move to an other place. We are trying our hardest to help people but we have only saved a little amount of people . Police officers are trying their hardest to take the dragon away .

This is the first dragon to be found on the sight of police . The police are planning an attack whereas people want the dragon to live but live on another planet . For now people think the dragon can live on earth for how long can be remained but the real question is ..... Is the dragon here to stay ???????????????????????????????????????????

Police are building one of the strongest prison stronghold for the dragon but the war cannot begin without all of the people being evacuated from Australia.The Australian president is already evacuated . He said "I need to get out of this place." he started and then he said " Leave the others to die ."

WE thought that what he said was not very good as the job of the presidnt is not to put them in danger but help them so now he is not the president anymore .The new president of Australia is Chubbs Mcdonald. The people are so happy that the president is gone .

This is a picture of the dragon took by ronald reamond .