
Centipedes(Lithobicutes Forficatus) are smaller than the tip of your thumb.You have probably never seen one before.Would you like to see one.Read more to find out more.


Centipedes are most often found under logs, stone and tree barkes . The country they are mostly seen in Great Britain sometimes in gardens , woods and sometimes in spring or autumn



Centipedes are most seen as a brownish-red color. Their legs to his head !It is microscopic beast when you look at it in your hand.Their size 30mm long. have you ever seen one?Some of them have a cool moist feeling .Have you ever experienced one?

Centipedes use there sharp teeth to

rip the skin and the meat thy live by making their homes out of dirt,hay and water




this diagram is showing the body parts of the beast

they eat rats,beetles and ants.That is why they are intresting because of its claws