
Last Friday was Fairtrade Friday.We did nice things and had lots of fun.First, me,Bethan,Jodie,Lucy and B went in to the beach shack cafe and made banana smoothies for the receptions.Then it was the trashon show were people from different classes made outfits out of recycled things, like bin bags or newspapers and they were all fantastic.After that, it was time for the year ones to get a banana smoothie and a kitkat.When we went in to class back from play, we wrote something about Fairtrade and it was about a boy called Muguel and he was in two different snarios were one was him in a non-Fairtrade snario,and the other was him in a Fairtrade snario, and the Fairtrade snario was happier.After that work, it was lunch and after lunch it was other peoples turns to make banana smooties and serve the classes.Then, we played rounders with Mr.Whitehead and we played wink murderer. After the games, it was our turn to have banana smoothies and kitkats.It was really fun because we danced and we played limbo.
