I am a volcano.

Hello my name is Mount Vesuvius.I am 1944 years old.I live in Italy it is a beautiful place.I am a mountain which pours out lava.I am 9000m tall.I last erupted in March 944.Now I am dormant which means sleeping.When I last erupted I killed 144 people and destroyed 900 houses which was sad to see but I can't stop myself from doing these things.

I have a story to tell you. Once a man came and explored me when I was sleeping. He made me famous and I was over the moon. A lot of people are afraid of me because I can kill them.I really wish one day I will make friends as I am very lonely.I love the animals, they are very friendly and kind to me.

I also have a sister ,her name is Mount Etna.She is also a volcano.She lives in Sicily .I wish one day I will see her.I love my family so much.I am not happy with my life because I don't like to kill people.I am very sad.Bye for now see you again very soon!