
Foundation 2


Next week we will be continuing to learn all about colour mixing. The children will be able to identify a primary colour and a secondary colour. They will learn to use some different vocabulary surrounding colour such as clear, transparent, translucent, burgundy, aqua darker, lighter etc. They will hear the book Elmer by David McKee and we will be discussing similarities and differences and what makes us 'Unique!'

In Phonics we will be identifying sounds g, o, c, k. As well as identifying the sound, we will be learning to write it with the correct formation, in lowercase and the capital form. In maths, we will also be learning all about the similarities and differences as well as learning all about 2D shape.

This Weeks Challenge

I have sent a level 2 sound mat home with the actions for level 2.

Some sounds we haven't quite learned yet but could you please practice these with you child. They are fun to do and your children love learning the actions. Please also check out the Guided Reading code sent home this week and share the electronic book. There are also activities in the book, at the end. Can our child retell the story with the aid of the pictures? Can they answer questions such as, Who is? When do you think that happened? What do you think will happen next? Why do you think...? How did the boy...? If you do not want to share the electronic book you can still do this with a book of interest to your child. I have also sent you a copy of the 'question hand' we are introducing next week. It may help with questions you may ask as your child reads.

*We have a box of F2 clothing I will be taking out daily, if your child has lost an item of clothing, please check the box.

*Parents Evening dates will be soon, please check your emails.

*Thank you again to all of you for our support. We really do appreciate it!

*Please check out Noodle if you still haven't. If you struggle with the code please ask. It is a super resource for your child to use.

*There are still many water bottles that are not named. Please would you name them, we would be most grateful.

  • water bottles


