
In school I did microsociety. The teacher read the class a story called "JUSTENUF". It was about people on a planet who had enough of what they all wanted. The trees grew food packs so the people could eat all they wanted. Unfortunately,the planet one day, felt sick. The trees died so the people didn't have enough food. Everyone was arguing, saying that someone finished this or someone finished that. The captain realised that this was happening and thought how to deal with the problem.The name of the planet was changed to "NOT- ENUF" Together in class we talked about the word "scarcity".It means when there is not enough of something. For example in the story there was not enough food. We played the shape game where Miss Harvey and Mrs Crandly are the bankers and we have to make a perfect circle with a diameter of 10cm and a square with a side of 10cm. We were also given counters which was worth 5 counters each. Everyone had a different amount of things and different equipment. My table made a square which wasn't accurately measured so it was thrown into the bin! The next activity was making a flag and name for my class(society).Our name is Astro Agents.I had a great time when I did microsociety.