Outside, the wind whipped the snow across the roads.  Already you could barely see anything.  It was too cold to be out.  The snowstorm blindfolded the town, muffling the world in white silence.

Inside the warehouse, it was quite dark.  Years of dust had covered the windows with a thin layer and only a faint light filtered through.  Each footstep echoed, leaving behind a trail of footprints through the dust.  Boxes of different sizes were piled high, like strange towers.  Cobwebs hung between the boxes like lace nets.  An abandoned ladder lay at an awkward  angle across what looked like an old television set.  Its wires spilled out.  Max stood still for a moment and let his breathing settle.

It was then that he heard it.  The faintest of sounds – a floorboard creaked.  Then, another.  He stood quite still, his senses alert, straining to listen.  For a long while it was quite quiet – only the distant murmurings of the wind drifting snow.  Then somebody coughed …

Your setting description:

Crunch, crunch, Max trudged through the thick layers of cold snow in his worn, old boots. The harsh, bitter, winter wind slapped him in the face time after time again while chunky pieces of hail battered against his thick warm coat. He watched as cars skidded across the icy road while the drivers shouted angrily. He realised he needed to find shelter or he would freeze or be buried in snow. The bleak snowstorm blinded him but he could just make out the outline of an abandoned warehouse up ahead. His delicious hot chocolate was dwindling and he only had a small amount of biscuits left.

As Max crept into the old and forgotten warehouse, he saw piles of boxes stacked like Lego bricks all the way up to the broken ceiling. Faint light filtered through the cracked, dusty windows and junk littered the floor. His footsteps echoed through the maze of boxes and cobwebs coated the walls. Max flicked the light switch on and the dim lights flickered on and then went back off. Cautiously, he stepped towards the window and looked out of the frost covered window at the raging snowstorm out-side.

CREAK, Max spun around facing the inside of the warehouse. He was sure he had heard something or someone. An eerie silence filled the air and his heart thumped nervously against his chest as he strained his eyes looking for any sign of movement. His thoughts conflicted, should he flee or should he find whoever or whatever made that noise.

His curiosity took over...