
Poison arrow frog

It is a amphibian.

It is found in south America and tropical centers.

This frog have brightly coloured bodies, this amfessizes his tockssitite .

He eat's ants , mites and termites.

The poison arrow frog attack his praditors will be scared.

Red eyes tree frog

It is a amphibian.

It has webbed fingers , it has red eyes with verticly narrowed pupils.

It has a vibrent green body with brightly coloured feet.

It has sticky bads on it's toes so to allow them to stick.


This frog is familiar to people all over the world.

The frog can band its head and feet to show his orange hands and feet.

Toads live anywhere from tropical rain forest to dry desert.

They have short legs that they can move by short hops rather then leaps.