During the first half of the autumn term year 6 pupils studied the Blitz. This was such an exciting theme. Their learning involved finding out all about the Second World War. They particularly enjoyed finding out about evacuees, and they took part in some great role play activites which they filmed using the green screen. The children also learnt about the significance of the Swansea Blitz and the impact it had on local people. They visited the Waterfront Museum in Swansea where they participated in lots of activities about WWII. Activities involved dressing up in wartime clothing, handling replica ammunitions and experiencing an Anderson shelter. One year 6 pupil said "The trip was amazing. I played top trumps in an Anderson Shelter!" The children also visited Theatre Nanog where they went to see a production called Rosie's War. It was about an evacuee from Liverpool called Rosie. Rosie's hometown was being bombed so she was evacuated to Swansea ... little did they know this city was going to be badly bombed too. Class teacher Mrs Davies stated, "The children were captivated from the start by this wonderful play. It enabled them to have a good insight into how World War 2 impacted on the everyday lives of ordinary people in Wales." All in all, a successful term for all the pupils in year 6.

Children in Need

Friday 13th November 2015 was Children in Need Day. To help raise money for this worthy cause, year 6 hosted a 'Super Hero Bake Off.' Each child baked 6 scrumptious cupcakes and sold each cake for 30p. The winners of the year 6 bake off were judged by Headteacher, Mr Mcomas and the two teriffic year 6 teachers, Mrs Carter and Mrs Davies. In 3rd place were year 6 pupils Jade Walters and Carwen Tenant, in 2nd place was Aidan Rooney and Paul Foster. In 1st place was Sam Walters for his creativity and thought behind his cupcakes. All the cupcakes were sold and a whopping sum of almost £110.00 was raised. This was a very successful event, altogether Johnstown School raised £638. All this money went to the charity Children in Need, to help children around the world, who need it most.

The Blitz

5-Day Weather Forecast

Terrific Talents

There are plenty of events and opportunities for every child in this school. Year 6 children have lots to look forward to:

Christmas Dinner - 16th December

Carol Service - 17th December

Inset day - 4th January

URDD city sleepover - 11th January

Cycling Proficiency - week beginning 8th February

URDD Coginio - further details to be released

Pendine - Week Beginning 14th March

There are so many talented children in year 6. A range of activities are enjoyed by so many including; cheerleading, rugby, football, karate, shooting, cycling and swimming. One pupil even came 5th in The Iron Man Wales Competition. Many children are also involved in drama clubs. Mini Players - a local drama group is run by Johnstown's very own talented Mr D.Williams. They have just performed in their Christmas production 'Disney Christmas musical' "Everyone worked so hard and I am very proud of each and every member of mini Players." We also have children involved in Youth Opera, Stage Coach and Performance Factory. Look out for any productions that may be coming soon.The year 6 choir have also shown off their talents this term. They have taken part in a Tenovus concert at St Peter's Church and have entertained residents at Ty Cwm.

Forthcoming Events

Click the play button to watch the Rememberance Day Service.

Click the play button to see some of the work that year 6 have done for the Blitz!

Please click on the link (left) to find out more about the Blitz on the BBC school website.