Why do humans walk on two legs ?

A chimpanzee was

taught to walk on

two legs indicates

that humans began

to walking on two legs

to be more energy


The walking tests showed that the chimps, as a group, averaged the same energy expenditure walking on all fours as they did walking on two legs. As a group, the humans used 75 percent less energy walking upright than the chimps used walking on all fours. Essentially, walking upright seemed to be beneficial because it saved energy.

But what appeared even more interesting was that the amount of energy expended by the chimps varied between them. One chimp used less energy on two legs than on all fours. Another used the same in both walking positions, and the other three used more energy when walking on two legs. The variations were traced to how the chimps walked and differences in body structures. One of the scientists expressed excitement at this variation, saying that it reflected an essential part of evolution.

Chimp on

all fours

Chimp on

two legs