He was holding on to the green grass, trying to not fall into the dark abyss where supreme calatimas and the the brothers were 'pull yourself up!' lights bane shouted ' I'm trying to hold on on! Im to stressed for this!' plantera shouted. He didn't want to fall as they were really close to defeating them. Plantera pulled himself up and tried to jump th hole to be assisted by his friend then, supreme calatimas got in the way and plantera had to fall back. Lights bane started shooting him, then plantera started shooting him as he was flying then he started charging at plantera with great speed and he had to fly over but supreme calatimas shot plantera's wing and he started falling into the abyss. But lights bane grappled onto his hand and pulled plantera to the ground and to safety and as a team they gunned him down so bad that he was defeated and they emerged victorious.