The mistake by Pasupathi Sivaruban

It was Monday a day after my birthday there was no school for my class because we were exhausted from the camp trip we just went to and I was just listening to ‘made for this’ until I heard the doorbell, unexpectedly I found 3 of my cousins waiting at the door one was 5, one was 11 and the other was 8, 2 of them were apart a secret with me and 5 others. We had fun playing with the 5 year old, we put him to bed and we went into Pasupathi’s bedroom (mine). In a corner was one bit of the secret I stood in it then it glowed red soon I was in my car/bike my team was ready. We disappeared in the night... Then a little head popped up in front of me, the 5 year old! I should have known he liked my hoodie snuggling with it the whole time. But for now the mission...