Remembrance Day

On rembrance day we remember the people that gave up their lives to fight for our country.We celebrate this day by having parades,going to church,wearing poppies,and having 1 or 2 minutes silence to remember the people that fought and gave up their lives for our country.

We where poppies because they grew after the world war in the same field that they fought in and also the field was called what they fought in and that the poppies grew in was called Flanders Field

DID you know

There are loads of poppies all around the world.

Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day as it's also known, marks the very day that World War One ended in 1918. We hold a two-minute silence at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month to remember those who have died in any conflict.

This is what we where on rememberence Sunday.