
Logically this should be called Microsocieties 3 but I'm writing about Kidzainia so that's what the title will be.

This week for microsocieties we went on a school trip to Kidzainia. By the end of the day I had collected 81 kidzoes( kidzoes are kidzainia's currency )but still couldn't buy anything from the shop!

The shop was surprising. I had been there before and I knew it was pricey; that wasn't what shocked me. What shocked me was how little items there were, and how much the building had changed. You couldn't even call it a building anymore! It was just randomly popped in a empty place in the shop with a few tables. On those tables were the things you would find in party bags! Only a few things were decent,and the ones that were were at least 300 kidzoes!

The last time I went there there were x-boxes and ps4s! Eventhough they were around 5000 kidzoes at least they were there.

Now you may be thinking,"that's the best school trip ever! But what does it have to do with microsocieties?".I'll answer that question for you right now.

Kidzainia is a micrsociety, a small town run by kids. It will help us get ready for the next few weeks of microsocieties, which I hope will actually be about selling things. I'm starting to get a little desperate!