
Week 3


According to Oxford's Dictionary and Thesaurus enterprise means 'a business or company '. In week 3 we did many events to do with jobs and the prices.These are some things we did.

At first we discussed the role of all civil servants in Britain. We said that some roles are: bankers, police, Head Of State (H.O.S) and a tax officer. We then voted who we wanted for each role.

. Head Of State= Akshana

. Bankers= Carisia + Aimen

. Police= Kacper

. Tax Officer= Akilaesh

We then read the story of Notenuf Limited. In the story some citizens of Notenuf were stealing foods they wanted and needed. This made others annoyed. Then the captain had to try and stop the citizens stealing and make sure everyone got what they want.

After, we took part in a survey to figure out what sort of job or business would be the perfect fit for you. I had a total that said that I was able to either be in a job by myself or be in a business with more than one person.

Then we filled a sheet which was another question sheet but, it was about what the job would be about. I created a job with Patrick, which was a lottery. I was happy with the business and we decided to split the wages 50:50, so we would get half of the earned money. I think that are job will go on to be an amazing success, Patrick and I will soon have a good job that everyone will come to.

I am really looking forward to the future sessions in micro-society and hope that Scorpius class will have an amazing society!