46 or less things that will make you lose sleep at night forever (I'm doing this for fun).

1. Penguins used to be 6 feet tall

Penguins used be 6 foot tall and weight 800 pounds!

2.Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colorblindness.

3.Some people think that Pablo Picasso stole the mona lisa picture in 1911.

4.Fleas are among the world's best jumpers.

5.The British cheese board reported that people usually don't have nightmares after eating cheese.

6.Night Owls tend to have higher iqs than early risers.

7.Dutch Police carry teddy bears with them on the job so they can cheer up children.

8.One Women hasn't cut her fingernails in 23 years and now they messure bewtten 24 inches and 26 inches each fingernail.

9.Shrimp's heart is located in the former section,behind its face and stomach.

10.July 4th seems to be a happy day right,but...yeah theres always this nasty bud,3 American presidents have died on july 4th.

11.Every second someone takes a bit of a fresh tasty slice of pizza there is over 300 pizzas sold in america

12.In the 1800,Ketchup was sold as medicineand even made into pillforms for people who have a bad stomach

13.White polar bears aren't actually white,don't fool yourself my friend they are black the only reason why they are white because its made out of 2 layers that look white to the human eye.Underneath that coat of theres black skin or fur.

14.Elephants are among the few animals that bury their dead.

15.Champagne was used by men to shine their shoes.

16.Astronauts' life isn't some kind of never-ending ride around the planet.They have birthdays and celebrate christmas they also have holiday feasts.

17.Dath Vaderr never said,"Luke,I am your father!" You'll have to watch the movie to try to prove me wrong.

18.Hairy people have higher iqs.Hello,Chewbakka.

19.People over 60 have a 14 percent higher chance of dying on their birthday than any other day.

20.Near the end of world war II,Queen Elizabeth worked as a truck mechanic.

21.Russia is a bit larger than pluto.

22.The Calxium in our bones and the iron in our blood came from the ancient explosion of giant stars,I've always said in my life "im A STAR" and it looks like me and you are a star.

23.Earth has traveled more than 5,000 miles while you're reading this blog.

24.Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as wallpaper.

25.Bird poop is white because they don't pee.

26.Banging your head against a wall burns 50 calories an hour, OI don't be mean to me that I said im just saying.

27.Avocados are poisonous to birds,by the way don't comment that I'm a bird because I'm not.

28.The word "Gorrila" is dervied from a greek word meaning "A tribe of hairy women".

29.Cockroachs can live for several weeks with their heads cut off.Because their brains are located inside their body.

30.More than 60,000 people are flying over the united states In an Airplane right now!

31.Earth is the only planet that is not named after a greek or roman god,wait so theres a god called Pluto,Uranas,Saturn and all the other planets?

32.There are 5 temples in Kyoto,Japan that have blood stained ceilings.

33.68% of the universe is dark energy,and 27% is dark matter

34.If a pregnant Woman has organ damage the baby in her womb sends stem cells to help repair the organ

35.What is called a "French kiss' in the english-speaking world and in france they call a French kiss a "English kiss"

36.Tears caused by sadness,happiness and onions look diffrent under the microscope.

37.Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months,two rats could have over a million descendants.

38.If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, you might pop an eyeball out.

39.Money are not made from paper,there are normally made by cotten and linen.

40.There's only one letter that doesn't appear in any U.S State name,do you know what it is?Tell me in the comments

41.Armadillo shells are bulletproof.

42.Octopuses lay 56,000 eggs at a time.

43.Thanks to 3D printing,Nasa can basically "Email" tools to Astronauts'.

44.When Dinosaurs were alive,there were active volcanoes on the moon (MIND BLOWN).

45.How can you make your lips so red just rubbing it,Human lips are red because of the great concentration of thny capillaries below the skin.

46.Have you ever wanted to climb trees to beat your highscore well,in Oshawa in Ortario,Canada it is illegal to climb tress!