Friday 21st December 2012
Today I woke up early as my friend was coming to visit, we played several of board games such as draught and chess. After that we ate a Mexican dish called Fajita which is a wrap with chicken and mixed colour peppers.

Saturday 22nd December 2012
This morning we went to wood green for last minute shopping at WHsmith. We bought some presents for each other, and as we came out we was getting very hungry so we went to

Sunday 23rd December 2012
Today we wrapped and delivered presents that we bought the day before. In the evening, as we came to the last friend they invited us in,and when I gone to my friends room I was amazed because he had a ps3!

Monday 24th December 2012
Christmas Eve
I got up late and had a lovely breakfast.After that we tidied our room to make space for the games. Dad came home early, we had dinner then we watched the Elf movie and went to bed earlier than usual as it was Christmas Eve.

Tuesday 25th December 2012
Christmas Day
Today I woke up very early to go downstairs and check how much presents were under the tree and I was suprized because there were lotssss! much more than I expected.We unwrapped them all and started to play. In the afternoon we had a wonderful Christmas meal and deserts.Before bed we watched funny was a great day.

Wednesday 26th December 2012 Boxing Day
It is called Boxing Day but we did not do boxing, we just flattened the boxeses from the Christmas presents and re-cycled them all day long.

Thursday 27th December 2012
Today me and my family played with the new toys.We built and painted my wooden multicoloured car.Afterwards we watched car racing on TV.

Friday 28th December 2012
After lunch, I build my Lego creator plane by myself, I had great fun doing it.In the eveninng on the TV they were showing a movie called "Mr Bean's Holiday"we all sat down to watch it , it was so funny that we laughed until we blew our socks off!!!

Saturday 29th December 2012
Swiftly I got up as fast as I can because we planned to go to the Ferrari Store in Regent's street.In the store me and my Dad tried on some lovely but very expensive clothes.we bought two model cars that had to be built,they were a Ferrari 599 XX and Enzo Ferrari which is favorite type of Ferrari.When we arrived home my dad helped me to build them.

Sunday 30th December 2012
In the morning I just played with my new toys,then we had a big lunch.In the evening we went to Winter Wonderland In Park Lane.There were hundreds of great rides and many food stalls.We ate a 1 foot long hot-dog with chips.Later we met our friends,we took nice photos of the new BMW which was called " the VISION "

Monday 31st December 2012
New Year's Eve
In the morning we went out to buy food,snacks and drinks. We started to prepared for the party ,cooked nice food and made a very nice sparkling party table.We spent the evening eating and watching movies.At midnight we said good bye to 2012 and started the count down to say hello to 2013.We gave presents to each other and went to bed at a record breaking time of 2:30 AM!

Tuesday 1st January 2013
New Year's Day
Today we all got up at 12:47 and we had brunch by 1pm.In the afternoon friends come over ,we played car racing games, Nintendo Wii and board games.For dinner, we had an Indian meal.

Wednesday 2nd January 2013
In the morning, we went to WHsmiths to spend our book vouchers before they expire, so with the vouchers we bought two diary of a wimpy kid books which were called "Cabin fever and the Third wheel ".

Thursday 3rd January 2013
After a lovely breakfast at 10 am, we went out for weekly food shopping at Sainsbury's.
When we arrive home while mum was preparing the food, we played card games and Wii Sports games.

Friday 4th January 2013
At 11am,we went out for a short walk and bought fresh bread.After breakfast my sister's friend came over and we watched the Dairy of the Wimpy Kid with friends and ate popcorn.

Saturday 5th january 2013
Today we planned to go out for the SALES shopping to buy myself a winter coat for tthe trip to Cardfields. But unfortunately we could not find anything suitable.

Sunday 6th January 2013
Today our friends and their parents were invited for brunch.They arrived at 12:30 ,we had lovely food.My Dad brought out a 4D Cityscape time puzzle of 1666 to 2014 which was 1230 pieces,we started working on it but we only managed to do the corners.

Monday 7th January 2013
As today was the last day of our Christmas holiday,after breakfast,I started to prepare for school finished writing my homework and packed my school bag.After that me and my sister played with Air Hockey which my Dad won over a bid on Ebay a few day ago.

By Daniel Caiado 4Q Pastuer Class