Microsociety week 2

In microsociety (week 2), Rigopolis discussed the means of currency. Mr woods said most things could be used as currency, such as cows , coins , gold and even shells! He said that different countries have different worth of money because of how much of it was produced. Say if the bank had £100000000000000000 to give out, everyone would have enough to buy London! You would have to make it so that £10000 was worth one tenth of it to make it a more meaningful currency.

To understand whether it would be better to save or invest, we played a game of MONOPOLY! My table( Stewart, Sam, Jun so, Lucrezia, Mia and I) were against each other. Silly trades were occurring on our table. Someone sold Park Lane to someone who had Mayfair! In the end Sam or Jun so won with around $3100. I learnt that it would be better to invest than save.

And Just Enough were solving their problem of scarcity. Every week, a name was pulled out of a hat to see who had earnt a food pack. People were trading their things to try and make a profit, or get the better end of the deal. Our class decided to make the currency oras and orrions.

By Rohan