-Dogs need to have at least an hour

and a half but huskies need at least

two hour that means that they need

from two to four hour.

-Be calm and quiet because they can hear

4 times better than us so its really loud for them.

-Leave the dog alone if its in its bed because

that his little private space.

-If a dog comes running up to you throw anything that you have on your hand because its likely that it just wants food and then put your hand in a cross on your chest so that it thinks your a bit boring and it will leave you alone.if you are little go on the floor like a hedgehog then it will leave you alone.

If you want to strock a dog

that you don't know

-first say hello to the person that is holding it

-second ask the owner if you can strock it if he/she says no

thats fine if it says yes then next step

-if it says yes move to the side so that if he wants to go away

 it can and strock it.
