

 A society that you do in Year 5, you make a society in your class and then see what life is like in future.


Scarcity means there is not enough supplies to go around. ALL resources are limited in amount. Therefore, decisions MUST be made on how to use the resources in the best way.


Once there was a planet called Justenuf, it had just enough for everyone to eat. This planet had a captain, who everyone loved because he always dealt with the problems they had. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

One day, some people who were living in a nice, beautiful house didn't have enough bread, another house didn't have enough chairs for everyone to sit on and so many more problems. So, if they had a problem, who would they go to? YOU! I'm joking! They'd go to the CAPTAIN!