Wow, what a full day, packed with so much going on! Following normal morning routine the 1st set of activities kicked off. Just so you know the children throughout the whole week will all get to do the same activities but at different times as they are split into 4 groups.

A group I was with started off on Buggy Building. The children were given equipment to construct a buggy then test it out. I have to say both groups did a fantastic job and were very successful.

Next was probably the highlight for most of them, Leap Of Faith. Whilst attached to a harness they climb to the top of a pole which is around 20-25 feet tall, then once at the top jump off and grab a metal bar which is in front of them, whilst hanging in the air which they then release and lower themselves down.

From ground level it doesn’t look too hard but as you climb higher and higher everything below looks a lot smaller. Credit to the children they all went for it and even those who found it a bit daunting gave it their best shot. Having tried it myself, its certainly not easy, and well done to Becca who having said she wouldn’t do it, did!

Lunch which included Chicken/Veggie nuggets with chips went down very well, and led to the afternoon sessions. Fencing, Low Ropes (navigating around a course where team work is essential) and Fire lighting (learning how to start and maintain a fire with flint and cotton wool), were what my group took part, with the children showing some excellent survival skills in their fire making.

Dinner consisted of roast beef, cottage pie (veggie option available) or noodles. To my delight and I’m sure the others aswell, we had a traditional desert with chocolate waffles and custard.

The evening entertainment was a camp fire, which was a real lively event. Led by the instructors the children belted our songs, which I’m sure will result in some lost or croaky voices tomorrow morning.

Hot Chocolate and toasted marshmallows were given out to sooth the tonsils, then back to the rooms for bedtime.

Another jam packed day is on the cards for tomorrow so check back in to see what went on!

However before I go I’ll end with this - Geek fact of the week.

As I mentioned earlier the building is a stately home, and I was told some interesting facts about it, one which was that the building was used during the First World War as a hospital for officers and generals