Microsociety: Week 2

In our second week of Microsociety, we discussed different objects used as currency such as shells, gold bars, diamonds and a cow. I thought that shells wouldn't be good because if you carried them around with you, they would break because they're not strong enough. Also gold bars wouldn't work because they are much too heavy to carry around with you.

We also played monopoly and talked about different strategies. I thought that it would be better to buy properties. If you bought lots then opponents would keep on landing on them and paying you money whereas, if you saved up eventually you will lose because you would keep on landing on other peoples properties and you will run out of money.

The name for our society is Peakezania and our flag is of the English flag in the middle and lots of other flags around it which meant that we are all from different countries but we work together to make a huge society.

On Friday we visited Lavender Hill Magistrates Court and re-enacted a court case. We all had a different job and I was the chairman of the magistrates. It was hard deciding whether the defendant was guilty or not, but I ended up saying guilty.